Sunday 3 January 2010

John Ruskin

Re: post of Lionel André of 31 December 2009
(see also post of 17 January at Lesley Punton)

John Ruskin – cover of The Stones of Venice, George Allen, Orpington & London, 1897

John Ruskin – from Modern Painters, second edition, 5 Volumes, George Routledge & Sons Limited, London, undated


  1. a wonderul book indeed Peter! My partner was amazed to see such a methodical, comprehensive description of mountain form from Ruskin when casually browsing a secondhand bookshop, so I found it in my stocking at Christmas. I can't date mine precisely, but the original owner has written 1899, and it's been printed in New York by the International Book Company, so yours is probably a wee bit older. Lovely books.
    very best,

  2. We bought a set of these yesterday in an antique store in Ohio. Knowing Ruskin's strong connection to the Arts and Crafts movement, we purchased the set. Ours is undated also. Hopefully, someone can give is some information. Our pages look identical to the ones in this blog.
